The Girl on the Train Review
The Girl on the Train was without a doubt at the top of my list for the fall movie season. This is when we start getting hit with all those films we know we're going to see again come the Oscars push. Unfortunately, The Girl on the Train isn't one of these. Now, I want to start of this review by saying I haven't read the book. So maybe with the material given, the major problems I had with it are unavoidable. I would argue this really isn't an excuse. If you choose source material that doesn't transfer well to the silver screen, don't make the movie. That seems to be the film's main weakness. The first half of it isn't very cinematic and its a big flaw. The last third does pick up significantly and by the end you're finally interested in the outcomes of each character. I did like the story's structure. The flashbacks changed as the case evolved and I appreciated how each one was shot from multiple viewpoints. However, this is where the strengths end. All the characters are hollow and hard to relate to. Emily Blunt's acting is solid but whenever she is drunk it feels like she is overdoing it. I hate saying it but certain parts could be straight out of a TV movie. There's tons of slow motion shots that don't really work. Plus, in one scene the therapist breaks into Spanish for a few seconds like he's in a soap opera. That part was just confusing. Anywhere you go to read about this movie you are going to hear it's the Gone Girl wannabe. I don't wish to compare the two and want to treat them as their own separate things but the direction it takes is too blatantly reminiscent of Gone Girl. The music is similar, the lighting is almost identical, and the tones closely match one another. This obscures it from being its own engaging and meaningful piece. I want to finish off this review by mentioning two errors in the plot. Plot holes often fly over my head but these particular ones stuck out. First off, wouldn't Meghan's husband Scott have been immediately warned by the detectives that Rachel is an alcoholic and is very unpredictable. Spoiler warning ahead!! Second, why the heck did Anna not try to help Rachel when she almost got strangled out by Tom? That would have pissed me off if I was her. Anyways... this isn't a terrible film but is definitely a disappointment. My score's a C.