Should the Origin Story of Han Solo Stay Buried in a Galaxy Far, Far Away?

Should the Origin Story of Han Solo Stay Buried in a Galaxy Far, Far Away?


     It's day old news by now and as many of you already know, the young Han Solo project, set to come out next May, has lost its directors, Phil Lord and Chris Miller. Unfortunately, big news like this leads to a lot of speculation and makes people very apprehensive about what the final result will be. I think what everyone needs to remember is that we have no idea what's going on behind closed doors. I don't think there's any reason to be any more or less worried than you were before. Lucasfilm has a lot of experienced and talented people working there and I trust that they'll do whatever it takes to create a great final product.

     However, this news opens itself up to a lot of interesting questions that I'm sure we'd all love the answers to. As of now, Variety is reporting that Lord and Miller's improvisational style of filmmaking clashed with what producer Kathleen Kennedy and writer Lawrence Kasdan envisioned. If that's the case, I would trust whatever Lwarence Kasdan wants. He's really helped make the Star Wars franchise what it is today.

     The thing that I'm left wondering is why this late in the game? I can understand why the firing wouldn't have happened right off the bat. Lucasfilm probably realized that Lord and Miller had a bit of a different style than they were used to after meeting with them and seeing there other projects(21 Jump Street, 22 Jump Street, The Lego Movie, etc.). My guess is that Kathleen Kennedy and the other higher ups at Disney probably thought they could work out their difference as the project went along. What I'm left wondering is why is this happening with only 3 weeks left of principal photography? The movie has been filming since January. It doesn't seem to me like changing a director right now can do all that much. That's unless they start from the ground up again. If they didn't like Lord and Miller's vision... what are they going to do with the 3/4th's of the movie that's already been shot? I know they have reshoots scheduled for the summer but that's more for touch ups as opposed to changing the entire film.

     None of us know exactly what's going on but I think we all have a lot of questions now that we got this news. I'm just left scratching my head as to how much can be changed this late in the game. All I know is that Rogue One had a ton of bad press before its release and that turned out being great. For now, I trust Lucasfilm and still have hope that we can get another amazing entry in the Star Wars franschise.

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